One of the Finest Jazz Guitarists — Todd Henry

HenryHe was a awesome guitarist and musician that was brought to John Tyler High School, in Tyler, Texas as a music therapist. He was considered one of the finest jazz guitarists in East Texas and had a special place in his heart for special education students.

On May 8, 2009 Todd Henry was completing his usual duties and was in a classroom when a fight broke out. At some point a knife came out and Henry was stabbed. He was taken to East Texas Medical Center, where he died.

To help honor Todd R. Henry


2 thoughts on “One of the Finest Jazz Guitarists — Todd Henry

  1. The facts are incorrect. Todd was in his classroom with his students (less than 10, but not sure) and had his classroom aide with him. The student had brought a knife to school, came up behind him and stabbed him in the heart. Todd had recently married, and was one of the nicest people we had ever met, besides being a great guitarist.

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