Judy Jester

JesterOn Wednesday, October 26, 2005, teacher Judy Jester was pulling up to the Lawrence County Family Education building in Moulton, Alabama, where she taught 1st grade in the Hatton Elementary School. She had worked for the Moulton School System for 23 years and was active in all aspects of education, including many activities.

Judy was approached by three young men looking for money to buy alcohol and figured this teacher would be the perfect victim to rob. Judy refused to give her purse and when one of the boys approached her she defended herself scratching one of her assailants. The situation quickly spiraled out of control when Judy was knocked to the ground and stomped, kicked and beaten. The boys grabbed her purse leaving her bleeding and unconscious on the ground.

Judy never regained consciousness and passed the following Sunday at Huntsville Hospital. Judy’s life was taken for the $1.00 she carried in her purse.

To help honor Judy Jester


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